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Welcome to celeballz! This site has no purpose but to entertain the weird, the bored, and to waste time. We create tennis balls into little oh so cute faces and in the future give them a story. You can also make your own tennis ball heads send in a picture and we’ll post it.


Jack Jack is an old retied war veteran who served in the great vietball war. He sufferers from post war syndrome and has had his mouth almost ripped apart by his captures.


Meg Meg is actually a guy but has a cross-dressing fetish. His real name is actually max. Meg is currently going to therapy for his problem and is making progress keep Meg in you prayers.


Baby Baby was born in Organ and was forced to find something to do because it was so boring. He ended up cutting of all his skin he then became addicted to crack thus the golf ball appearance.

Franki the Oompalumpa

Baby Franki was once a proud member of the Oompalumpa S.W.A.T. team. That was called when their was a break in at the Willy Wonka factory. Now 5 years after the factory closed he lives on the streets of N.Y. in a TV box off the ally of 49th street. He will also make appearance in wizard of Oz plays staring as a munchkin

Effrim the Retarded Rabbit

Baby Related to the famous Bugs bunny effrim inherited his money due to Bug’s death from carrot poisoning. He now lives under the Warner Brothers studio. He has also been in and out of jail and rehab for his uncontrollable carrot juice drinking.

Cowboy Kyle


Tirone Johnson


Jebidiah Smurf

Baby Jebidiah is a smurf renegade who help led the revolt against papa smurf. Unfortunately for him he was caught and forced to work for keeble, the elf over at the tree, making cookies. He has been separated so long that he now thinks he IS an elf.

Boba Fett

Baby Boba Fett is the king of STAR WARS he is now trying to settle down and have a family. He likes long walks on the beach and dinner by candle light. If this sounds like you, giv him a call at 666-5555. Unfortunately this is all we know about him because he lives in a highly secluded part of Zanzibar.


Baby An ex member of slipball fluffy was relatively happy until a man on the street mistook him for Hellraiser. Out of control fluffy tackled him forgetting about his spikes. Luckily the man was Matthew lesko he was in the middle of shooting a commercial when it happened. After his accident lesko put the question mark suit away for ever and fluffy returned to the kindergarten were he taught school safety.
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